What is Inflammation?
I often talk about Inflammation and it's effects, but what is inflammation? Inflammation is your body's defense system against intruders or threats such as bacteria, viruses and infections.
The body’s white blood cells send chemicals into your blood or tissues, increasing blood flow to the infection, virus or injured body part as protection. This can result in swelling and redness. This is the case for everything from acne (caused by bacteria) to splinters, to broken bones. This process is natural and beneficial.
However, the trouble occurs when your body remains inflamed.
Chronic inflammation is what leads to chronic diseases such as Cancer, Alzheimers, Arthritis, Diabetes, Obesity & Autoimmune disorders. This is why rates of chronic disease have skyrocketed in the past 30 years.
Scary? Yes. Confusing? Yes.
So why is inflammation causing these diseases? Unfortunately, it’s not only infections & viruses that our body thinks of as foreign invaders. Inflammation happens in response to many things your body simply doesn't recognize such as added sugars, vegetable & seed oils (like sunflower oil & canola oil), refined carbohydrates and processed foods. Eating processed foods with added sugar such as snack bars, cereal, salad dressings, sauces, marinades, processed meat, enriched flours, pastries, breads, cakes, cookies, candy etc. cause our bodies to be in a constant state of inflammation aka chronic inflammation. Other foods that cause inflammation include red meat, alcohol, vegetable oils, canola oil, and anything fried (french fries, fried chicken etc.)
When you are consistently eating these foods as part of your daily meals, you are constantly causing internal inflammation. This chronic inflammation eventually starts damaging healthy cells, tissues, & organs in your body. Ultimately, this can cause cell tissue death and DNA damage, which is when Cancer, Heart disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Obesity and Alzheimer’s occur.
What’s the best way to reverse chronic inflammation? Cleaning up your diet! I guide clients using an Anti-inflammatory diet to reverse damage and heal their bodies from the inside out.
Questions? I'm here to help you if you need it 👩🏼🌾 Schedule your complimentary 30 minute health consult here
Photo Credit: About Kids Health