What exactly does a Holistic Health Coach do?

What does a health coach do? It’s hard to put into one sentence exactly what I do, because “health” is a broad term. I cater to your individual goals, and help you take control of your health with a holistic highly personalized approach. I help you achieve your goals and so much else.

Our culture thinks of health as the absence of illness but that is backwards. Health is really about having an abundance of wellness to prevent illness and disease. Unfortunately, Medical Doctors don’t address nutrition with their patients. They don’t learn nutrition in Medical school and they certainly don’t suggest what foods you could eat to improve your condition during your 10 minute appointment. They don’t ask you how many steaks a week you're having or how many sleeves of Oreos you put away last night. They don't tell you that steak leads to heart disease, stroke and other chronic illnesses and that an entire sleeve of Oreos sets you up for diabetes. They don’t tell you exactly why stress is so bad for your body…

Doctors are geniuses, don't get me wrong. What they do for us is amazing. They perform surgery, they cure cancer, they provide us with life saving treatments.

But guess what? We don't always NEED medicine. Medicine is like a bandaid for symptoms. Don’t you want to figure out the root cause of your illness? and what exactly is causing your symptoms?


This is the meaning of holistic health.

This is where I come in! Our bodies can prevent illness & heal themselves given the right foods & lifestyle. Here is an example. Dermatologists often prescribe creams, and even pills to help treat acne. But have you ever heard your dermatologist ask you what you eat? The root cause of Acne cannot be fixed with a cream or pill. Acne is often a result of hormonal issues within the body. Guess what dairy is often full of? Hormones! Meanwhile, dark leafy greens help fight inflammation and detoxify the liver, which then helps detox our skin. The state of your gut is also linked to clearer skin. To get rid of acne, diet and lifestyle must be considered. The next time you go to a doctor or dermatologist and they prescribe you a medicine, ask them what you could change in your diet that may help and see what they say!

So we don’t need always need medicine. What we do need is fresh air, antioxidants from fruits & vegetables, healthy fat to help us absorb nutrients & Omega-3's to keep us from getting chronic disease like Alzheimer’s and Cancer. Our bodies don't need refined sugar, processed foods, bacon & red meat. These foods, as well as stress, actually cause chronic inflammation which leads to all kinds of diseases.

I explain all of this to you as a client and I provide you with a realistic plan that is personalized to your needs, your specific goals and lifestyle. My goal as your coach is to always empower you with the knowledge and tools to make informed nutritious choices for your body. I am here to help you become the best version of yourself, be healthier, happier and live a long life! If you want to learn more, schedule your complimentary health consultation in the top right corner of this page.


You’re Sweet enough already….


Dark Chocolate Pumpkin Truffles (GF)