The #1 Killer of Healthy Gut Bacteria…
How many rounds of Antibiotics have you been on in your lifetime?
Did you know Antibiotics are the #1 killer of Healthy Gut Bacteria? 70% of your immune system is located in your microbiome, which develops after birth based on the bacteria you are exposed to during the first years of life.
Having a robust immune system and the proper healthy gut bacteria to protect you from illness is imperative. Yet, Antibiotics kill both the bad bacteria that make you sick and the good bacteria that keep you healthy! Essentially ridding our bodies of all the healthy bacteria it has worked to accumulate since birth..
Decimating your gut from all bacteria leaves you more susceptible to viruses, bad bacteria, allergies & even chronic conditions like Autoimmune Disorders. This creates a never ending cycle of being sick!
Taking a probiotic supplement after Antibiotics does not replace all those healthy bacteria, especially not the diverse microflora you had accumulated since birth. And they can leave you at risk for developing more serious chronic illnesses like Autoimmune Conditions.
MD’s are quick to prescribe antibiotics, because they only have about 8 minutes allocated for your visit in their schedule, but do your research and question whether there is an alternative that isn’t going to obliterate your healthy gut bacteria! Antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infections, and less than 5% of bacteria are pathogenic ( meaning that they cause illness or disease). They are not needed for many sinus infections and even some ear infections…they can save your life when you do need them, don’t get me wrong, and the benefits outweigh the risks of side effects and antibiotic resistance when used properly. BUT remember they are not always necessary. When they aren’t needed, they won’t help you. We don't need medicine for every symptom. Our bodies know how to heal themselves given the right foods & lifestyle choices. Be your own advocate, and if you eat a diverse diet of fruits and vegetables, with natural probiotics your body will be able to better prevent illness and disease, and will thank you with good health! 👩🏼🌾🥬🥦🍅🫐🍎🍋🫒